For seven days now Marcus and I have been staying with my grandpa in his retirement home while my grandma is in Puerto Rico visiting her family! I am not going to lie, my grandma deserves a medal. My grandpa is not easy to take care of. He is stubborn, perverted, lazy and can just be plain mean. He comes from a time where women are supposed to be subservient. I come from a time where women are independent. We butt heads A LOT! The first three days were rough. I contemplated strangling him many times but then I got to thinking. There are so many qualities he carries that I have gotten from both him and my dad. My dad is a younger version of my grandpa no doubt. Here are some things I have learned from my grandpa and some other things he taught me and I am now doing for him.
1. Sense of Humor- He is hilarious. Being a pervert ties in with this. He is constantly joking and making fun of people. He also makes dirty jokes constantly....the problem now is that he no longer has a filter and it can get down right uncomfortable! The great thing is that in every situation we can laugh.
2. Relax/Having Patience- I have a hard time doing this but him and my dad take time to enjoy a moment, whether it is outside or with their kids/grand kids. As he gets older his patience has dwindled but I still see some moments.
3. He loves a clean house- If my house is dirty it drives me nuts! I don't like making my bed or doing the dishes but he loves a clean house. It took me awhile to understand it but it is because he likes to take care of the things he has worked so hard for.
4. Be kind to everyone unless they give you a reason not to- I am big on this! I mean it is basic knowledge "treat people the way you want to be treated". I watch him with these people and he is kind. you never know when a simple hello or smile will make some one's day.
This week has been interesting. I have felt like I am taking care of a baby.....It is amazing how when you get older you become a baby again.
1. My grandpa used to change my I am changing his
2. My grandpa used to tie my shoes and change my I am tying his and changing his clothes
3. My grandpa used to feed I am feeding him
4. My grandpa taught me how to play cards...I just re taught him how...he even asked me at one point "who taught you to play this?"
The cycle of life is a crazy thing! Ten days is a long time to take care of my grandpa but when it is over I will NOT regret one second of it. He brings me back to the person I am and to the love of my grandparents. I will not take this for granted and will be forever grateful for the time I am getting to spend with him. I hope everyone can take advantage of the time you spend with your family. Life is short!!
My grandpa and grandma |
My grandma is amazing too...that is a whole nother post though! |